Category Archives: Dinner

Balls… My Favorite Pork & Chicken Meatballs


My Favorite Pork & Chicken Meatballs

  • 1 lb. ground spicy Italian sausage
  • 1 lb. ground regular Italian sausage
  • 1 lb. ground chicken breast
  • 3 large eggs
  • Handful of fresh basil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • ½. C. grated Parmesan
  • ½ panko breadcrumbs (Italian if they have it)

Mix together the three meats until well combined. Blend the next 4  ingredients together in a Vitamix or MagicBullet (this saves the step of having to chop the basil and garlic and whisk with the eggs and oil). You can always do it all by hand, if you’re a masochist. Add the liquid and the cheese and breadcrumbs to the meat and combine it all together. Let it chill in the fridge for 2 hours. Once the mixture has combined, roll into the ball size of your choice. Hehe. But for real, a the size of a golf ball is perfect . I like to bake at 400 degrees  for 20-25 minutes. If you’re going to add them to tomato sauce (recipe to follow in upcoming post), cook 15 minutes, then let them simmer in sauce for another 20!

If you want them to be kid friendly, sub in more mild Italian sausage or ground beef to avoid the spicy!

**Another variation is to stuff the meatballs with pearl mozzarella balls. Bake for the same amount of time!

a close up of my balls

a close up of my balls

One pot pasta recipe will be up tomorrow…here’s a sneak peek!

one pot pasta--tomorrow on the blog!

one pot pasta–tomorrow on the blog!

Easy Stir Fry Pasta and Excuses

The final product--will start taking better pics!

The final product–will start taking better pics!

Y’all–I get it, I’m the WORST. I’ve been a total a-hole and posted pics saying “recipe on blog tomorrow” and then not posting it. To be totally honest, my culinary skills have slacked off in the last year, and I need to pick it back up. Also–after you clean another humans poop off your hands, the last thing you want to do is think about food, or contaminate your keyboard. I never realized how much I washed my hands until I went through 4 industrial sized things of Target hand soap in a few months. This baby (nay, toddler) has dried out my hands and taken up my time. She can kill your appetite with her farts, and spit macaroni and cheese (she prefers Kraft over my homemade) across a room. She is the most legit baby boy girl in the world who will eat anything from the floor or our dog’s coat. Fortunately, she is the cutest nugget in the world and is totally worth it. That being said….Mother’s Day Out starts next week (HALLELUJAH), and I’ll have 10 hours per week to myself. 10. Hours. That amount of time sounds like a million years to me right now, and I plan to take advantage of that. So–my dear READER (I know it’s only you, mom), I promise to post at least once a week, if not more. I’m also going to try and snap my meals more often–this one below was snapped last night, and I got a ton of requests from friends for the recipe. I’m not really sure this is what I used b/c I didn’t write it down, but it’s close enough. Serve it with some protein if you need it. I served it with the world’s most inedible salmon that tasted like canned cat food, so there’s no protein recipe to go with it. If you have any requests, let me know! My snap name is cshufsmity, so follow me there and let me know what you’d like. BONE APPLE TEA erryone.

I mean--she's the cutest distraction ever-forgive me!

I mean–she’s the cutest distraction ever-forgive me!

Easy Stir Fry

1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce

1/4 cup sambal chili paste

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tbs sriracha

2 cloves garlic chopped

1tbs ginger (use that kind that comes in the tube in veggie section of grocery store)

Mix all the ingredients above together

Eggs, whisked (1 per person eating)

Toasted sesame seeds (around 1 tsp)

Cooked pasta (or any other starch–quinoa, rice, etc) I use those “carbo-nada” low carb ones:

Wedge of lime

Fresh veggies-I used red bell pepper, broccoli and green beans. This is a great way to use up any leftover veggies. A pretty legit Thursday night fridge clean-out meal.


Get a skillet hot with a little bit of oil, add in veggies and cook for 5 minutes, then add in half the sauce. Cook another 5 minutes, make a little space and throw in some eggs and cook. Add in the noodles and rest of the sauce and cook for another few minutes! Top w sesame seeds and a squirt of lime juice! In the snapchat videos I added the noodles first, but I think it’d be better egg first, then noodles. That way, your noodles don’t overcook, and the egg gets that little crispy texture like in fried rice.




Also, in case you were wondering what I’ve been doing the last year, it’s been attempting to keep another human and a dog (and a husband, I guess) alive. YEAR ONE: SUCCESS

Doesn't like cake. Sad day for all.

Doesn’t like cake. Sad day for all.

typical afternoon photo sesh

typical afternoon photo sesh

Eggs in Purgatory


So basically my husband has told me he is going to leave me if I serve him roasted chicken with broccoli one more time. Is it bad that I’m tempted to go on a roasted chicken and veggie binge and make every version of the bird possible? I kid. I’m pretty sick of it too. So, in an attempt to stay married, I am making eggs all week long for dinner per Crawdad’s request. We can worry about our cholesterol when we are dead.

Last weekend we went out to Currie Ranch, and managed to make it home with 2 dozen farm eggs, which are seriously so much more legit than any other eggs. Plus, they are free and I am poor, so they automatically taste better. When it comes to B4D, I usually go Mexican, and this dish is pretty Mexi, but tonight I am going Italian with a whole wheat carbonara, so stay tuned.

This dish is sh*t your pants spicy, so I wasn’t super interested in it, but Crawdad loved it. Which is great. And gross. All at the same time. There was a lot of sweat involved while eating this, which isn’t super atypical at our house (MEAT SWEATS, Sunday Pizza Sweats, etc.), but this was more than usual. I believe a second shower was taken. I ate chips and queso for dinner, so I was just fine. If you want it to be less spicy, use half the can of chipotles, and just plain diced tomatoes. It is called “Eggs in Purgatory”, but “Eggs from Hell” is more accurate.


For the red sauce:

  • 1 small can chipotles in adobo
  • 1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes with chilis
  • 1 can crushed tomatoes (or 1 cup of leftover marinara sauce if you have any in your fridge)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/3 C. water

Blend everything together and bring to a low boil in a shallow pan. Once the sauce is bubbling, drop in desired amount of eggs. Cover and cook for 8 minutes, or until the egg whites have set. Drizzle with the avocado/jalapeño sauce and top with sliced avocado. Best served with warm tortillas or French bread. It really is super simple.


For the Jalapeño avocado sauce, blend 3 seeded jalapeños, ½ an avocado, ½ c. water, 2 cloves of garlic and some salt and pepper together. Also good as a salsa.